Friday, January 8, 2010

On the third day

The afternoon of the third day was easily my favorite kill of the entire ordeal. Niccolo had spent a good portion of the afternoon running an anomaly which I was watching from a comfy safe spot about 23km outside of the action. Despite his very noble attempts including about 6 warp outs and 2 different ships, he could not kill the last sleeper BS and he was forced to retreat, without any of the loot. I of course would have prevented him from getting any of it anyways, but he didn’t know that. Someone randomly died to their pos guns off their tower and he cautiously went out in his drake to loot the wreck. Again I watched and waited.

Finally he and a friend spent about 2 hours trying to bait me out, the most notable of which was renaming his drake “Nic’s Retreiver “ and sitting out in the middle of nowhere hoping I’d drop in on him. I clearly had experience at EVE and why he thought I would fall for such a trick is completely beyond me, but nevertheless he put a lot of time into figuring out whether I was active. Lastly his buddy got in a retriever and warped out to the mining spot while Nic waited in his drake. Of course the retriever had no mining lasers on it, so I was not so foolish as to engage. Nic incorrectly surmised that I was either not active or out of the hole. I waited till they both came out fired off their lasers and logged on an alt to start hauling for them. Once again I found myself short on points. Despite waiting on the hauler to enter warp from the tower to engage I was only able to kill the corp mates retriever before the other barge and hauler got away. I sent Nic the following email and he responded, again with a polite jab, he really wasn’t that bad of a guy.

It has come to my attention that you are having problems with your Ritual Suicide service, most recently the destruction of your unauthorized mining ship. I have noticed that you were unable to complete an Anomoly this afternoon, please find it comforting that if you were able to destroy the second Battleship and 3 towers that it would only have resulted in the destruction of the wrecks via bomb and the possible destruction of your Raven or Drake. Of course all this can be put in the past with a Corporation Operating Liscense from Ritual Suicide for 100M payable directly to Genocide Machine. Unfortunately, failure to pay before 2009.12.31 00:00 (just over 1 day from now) will result in a 30M late fee added to the liscensing fee and the likely deployment of another field agent to this wormhole.. We appreciate your business, fly safe.... fly insured.
-Your helpful local field agent,
Genocide Machine

(to Genocide Machine)
You owe me circa 150m
If you pay this fee for failures in your service I will honour your original fee of 100m
Your ability to cloak is not as impressive as you would like to believe

I learned a few lessons on target choices and when to engage and they began a campaign of inactivity, which sent me roaming for the next few days. It turned out my ability to cloak was rather impressive in at least my own eyes, I guess Nic is just tough to impress.

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