Thursday, June 10, 2010

Holies do the Darnedest Things (part 2)

*Today's guest contributor is Kiritsubo*

Our heroes, having tasted bitter disappointment, traveled up to recheck our first hole before calling it a night. A quick D-scan revealed another Prowler, located in the vicinity of a POS we had previously bookmarked. I warped over to see with my little eye a Prowler puttering around the gun emplacement beneath the station.

The extreme isolation of J Space had claimed another victim. Well, natural selection would teach all the involved parties’ valuable lessons this day.

Nerbert and I warped to 25 on our victim, dropped bombs and opened up with torpedoes. The
Prowler exploded quickly and Nerbert exercised the better part of valor by warping out. I stuck around for the pod kill.

Being an avid corpse collector, I approached to scoop his remains. Unfortunately when my transverse velocity dropped the gun battery turned my shiny Hound into so much
superheated plasma.

The gods smiled on me though and most of fittings dropped. Nerbert was able to recover my gear and I quickly fit a new bomber and was able to retrieve Cherilyn’s corpse without further incident.

As promised our story has a moral:

1) Don’t do POS maintenance in a ship whose chief attribute is its CovOps cloak.
2) Don’t be greedy. It gets your ass blown up.
3) Don’t ask Kiritubo what he does with the corpses.

~With apologies to Art Linkletter.

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