Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Blue balls in my blood eye

There are a lot of things that suck about wormholes. You may have noticed that it has been a while since I posted. Part of that is because I am back at work full time (I teach college), but another large part of it, is that I just haven’t been finding people lately. If I find active people, avoid detection and am patient I can almost always get some sort of kill. It might just be a hauler or something worthless, but I get something. Unfortunately there is nothing I can do about not finding active targets. That is what sucks about WHs for me, but for the holies there is so much more. I assume two of the big frustrations is when the signatures dry up in a hole and there is nothing to do and the second is the random gankings that come with little to no warning. It’s a bad night when both of those things are conspiring against you. Before I get to the story, my (limited) fans should expect longer gaps between posts for the foreseeable future.

I came across a system with the entrance hole at the inner planets and a tower at the outer planet. In the tower were two characters named similarly and thus I assumed the Helios pilot was an alt. I watched them as I re-equiped one of my main’s ships out in hi sec. Just about when I finished the alt logged and the main got in a hauler. Throughout this I had probed down the system which was incredibly easy because the only thing in the whole system was the entrance hole. There were no anomalies or anything else, just the exit hole. I moved my SB to cover the wormhole and watched from my prober. He fiddled around in his hauler and then aligned to something. I assumed it was the exit and figured I’d get a chance at him near the hole, but instead he slow boated out of the shields. I quickly repositioned and warped my bomber in about 10km from him. I one shot him and started on his pod, but the pos guns had locked me so I decided to run and fight another day.

It must really suck to log in and find out there is nothing to do except housekeeping. From the looks of his cargohold, I assume he was out restocking his cruise missile batteries. It must suck even more for someone who it was virtually impossible to detect to uncloak and one shot you 10km from your heavily defended space station watching your completely ineffective guns miss repeatedly. How do I sleep at night? Scotch.